Monday, January 10, 2011

2nd week off the year

Well we are properly into 2011 now.

It was quite a good week in the Marigold household. Still have not managed to locate the missing landlord and still no sign of the money he owes us from 3 months ago. I came across a web page where you name and shame bad landlords, can't remember what it was called but it was something like Angry Tenents @ blogspot, maybe we should start a revolt! So if anyone has any ideas how to find this annoying individual, then I would love to hear from you. He probably does this all the time.

Waiting to be paid from someone else too, why are we always waiting for money? If i paid my bills this late, I would be disconnected from something or have bad credit, so why is it companies can get away with it?

The DVM is annoying too. We bought a car in August, from an auction. It had no plates on it which is quite normal for over here from what I understand. So we sent the paper work off last September and still have not heard back. This is in spite of emails and letters being sent, so Mr Marigold has booked an appointment to sort it out. Can't get an appointment within 3 weeks and it means taking an afternoon off work and loosing pay. Mean while, he has been pulled over by the cops 3 times as he has no plates. Really, it is such a ridiculous situation to be in. In this day and age, they really should have their act together!

Ok, I've had my moan today, I won't even get started on the postal system and the amount if mail which hasn't arrived or has got here opened! I've never had so many problems! Is all this normal for the states? It's like 1 step forward 760 back!!

Anyway, shares! I have been charting, but alas, all these problems are preventing me from buying in. At the beginning of December, one of the shares I found has done incredibly well, BSQR, it's just so frustrating looking at it and not being able to buy any, it's only gone up 300% since mid november! A real Darvas share.

Well, I'm fighting back and I can't wait to be buying into a share just like that one and telling you how much I have made. Just wish those days would blimmin hurry up!!

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