Friday, December 3, 2010

Chocolate tart

Well it's Friday evening and all is well!

Just settling down to I'm a celebrity (UK). There's something very satisfying watching the celebs struggle to consume such delights as kangaroo anus and fish eye balls, as I sip my glass of wine and stuff yet another piece of chocolate into my mouth! Yes I'm a right chocolate tart and insist on it almost every day. If I don't manage to finish at night, I hide my stash so no one can find it and nick it!

Been working hard on my share charts today, maybe I should by some in chocolate? No, not now that Cadburys have been taken over, dairy milk bars have already changed, acquiring a disgusting bitter after taste. I should know, I am an expert in this field!

My NCT share is holding up, still bouncing around in its box. In my chart folder I have decided to dump a few of the shares which I have been following, as they are moving side wards or on a slide. I'm trying to concentrate on those ones which are rising. I don't see the point in having shares in loads of companies. I figured if I concentrate on just a few at a time, you get to know the share, and hopefully, will recognise when it's run is over. I don't understand why some people hold onto shares which are falling, as they are obviously taking from the profit of the ones which are performing well? Its simple maths to me, but then, I am a simple person!

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